Best NFT Portfolio Trackers

Portfolio trackers simplify the process of tracking NFT investments by providing comprehensive dashboards of your holdings. 

The top-notch NFT portfolio trackers we introduce below allow you to effortlessly monitor price movements and evaluate the performance of your assets. Additionally, they court you with alert functionalities, enabling the discovery of new investment opportunities. 

Before anything else, it is crucial to understand the significance of utilizing a cryptocurrency wallet app that employs threshold technology when it comes to managing and safeguarding your NFT investments. By leveraging threshold technology, the security of your assets is greatly enhanced as control is dispersed across multiple devices or parties.


Oxalus is an NFT social commerce platform that provides detailed analytics and insights for NFTs on the Ethereum and Ordinals blockchain. Whether you’re a collector, trader, or simply an NFT enthusiast, Oxalus will provide everything you need via features: status updates, news feed, NFT analytics tool, an aggregator, upcoming NFT calendar and more.

Newsfeed is a space for discovering various types of content such as on-chain activities of wallets and NFT collections, personal updates, photos, and articles. Additionally, Oxalus’s algorithm feed suggests the wallet profiles and collections relevant to your interests.

Everyone directly comments, likes, follows, shares on the platform, expresses themselves through creative content online, manages the portfolio, and more. Each wallet and collection profile shows multi-dimensional data and charts to quickly understand trends, identify opportunities and make better decisions faster. A wallet profile page includes total assets, profit and loss, EVM, stay up-to-date with on-chain activities, etc; the collection analytics section displays all of the on-chain activities associated with the wallet address.

Oxalus events are a way for members to get alerts about upcoming NFT projects released, trending events with raffles, AMA events, or live broadcasts


The machine learning algorithm of NFTBank detects ERC-721 and ERC1155 standards automatically. The tool offers users a clear overview of their current profits and losses. As the sample portfolio demonstrates, you can easily track the revenue, spending, realized ROI, and inventory value of an NFT portfolio. 

Whenever a user buys an NFT, the price they paid is added to the spending column. Conversely, if they sell an NFT, the corresponding amount is added to the revenue column.

ROI is a measure to assess an investment’s profitability calculated as the return on a particular NFT relative to its cost. It does not factor in gifted NFTs where the cost is zero.

Lastly, inventory value is the sum of the value of all NFTs the user possesses. For this purpose, NFTBank incorporates a native valuation model. If the model doesn’t cover a particular NFT asset, it uses the floor price instead.  

NFTBank’s portfolio tracker updates daily. You can use MetaMask, FortMatic, WalletConnect, Walletlink, Portis, and Arcane wallets to connect with it. 


DappRadar is a reputable platform that monitors a vast number of decentralized applications, NFT marketplaces, and collections in the industry, providing extensive coverage of the NFT market. It has earned the trust of numerous investors due to its secure nature.

With DappRadar’s portfolio, you can keep track of both fungible tokens and NFTs on Ethereum, BNB Chain, as well as on Polygon. Once you connect your wallet, you can view the net worth of your wallet, tokens worth, and NFTs worth. In addition, the DappRadar portfolio has two components regarding NFTs: an NFT gallery and a section dedicated to POAPs. 

Source DappRadar

The financial view feature is currently in beta. Here, the profits and loss column shows the difference between the amount spent and the estimated value of the current holdings. The app calculates NFT values using floor prices; that said, it will soon incorporate an estimated NFT value model. The spent amounts are calculated based on the last purchase price. 

Moreover, you can stay updated on your preferred dapps and NFT projects by setting up customizable notifications using the Alerts feature.


Another NFT portfolio tracker that has got you covered with advanced alert features is RoverX. Available on both iOS and Android, RoverX is capable of mobile push notifications. To ensure you’re always in the loop, you can also add multiple wallets and view all of your NFTs in one centralized location.

It’s possible to set customizable alerts to get informed when you receive NFTs, sell NFTs, receive new offers for your NFTs, and when your NFT listings expire.

Another feature you can take advantage of is setting a target price for a collection’s floor price and receiving a notification when it hits that mark. The portfolio tracer has recently added floor price alerts for the Blur marketplace, as well.


The blockchain analytics powerhouse Nansen has a special feature named NFT Profiler that enables the tracking of NFT assets. It is compatible with MetaMask, WalletConnect, Coinbase, and Phantom wallets. 

You can view your portfolio’s estimated value, NFT transaction history, total spending, and revenue in a single dashboard, which also provides a portfolio breakdown by collection and liquidity. 

Portfolio Trackers
Photo Credit: Nansen

Nansen is renowned for its ability to extract data from over 240 million labeled wallet addresses. It’s best suited for users who want to combine NFT portfolio monitoring with additional analytics tools that allow deeper analysis. 


  • Nagi An

    Nagi An is a content writer who is passionate about NFTs, web3, DAOs, and DeFi. She's covers a variety of topics about NFT fundamentals.

The information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, legal, or investment advice. The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NFT News Today.