Guild of Guardians Beginner’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Adventure

Need help mastering Guild of Guardians? This Guild of Guardians guide has you covered. From building strong Guardian teams to strategic dungeon runs, get expert advice on every aspect of the game. Improve your tactics, manage assets, and join guilds to dominate the competition.

Key Takeaways

  • Guild of Guardians combines fantasy adventure with blockchain technology, emphasizing strategic team building using over 200 unique Guardians and balancing different Guardian roles such as Warriors, Tanks, Assassins, Rangers, Mages, and Support Guardians.
  • Setting up an Immutable Passport is crucial for secure asset management and participation in the game’s economy. This includes ensuring account security through practices like enabling two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • Strategic gameplay includes careful positioning of Guardians, using powerful runes to boost performance, summoning and enhancing Legendary Guardians, joining guilds for cooperative benefits, trading NFTs, and utilizing features like Eri’s Store and the Altar of Sacrifice to optimize team efficiency.

Understanding the Basics

Guild of Guardians stands out in the mobile gaming market for its innovative blend of fantasy adventure and blockchain technology. The game offers:

  • A vibrant RPG world
  • The mission to assemble and lead a team of powerful Guardians to fight the Dread and restore peace to the land
  • Over 200 unique Guardians to choose from, providing endless possibilities for team building.

At the heart of Guild of Guardians lies its strategic gameplay. Each squad consists of four heroes, with players controlling one hero at a time while the others are AI-controlled. This setup requires careful tuning of your hero squads to overcome various dungeon challenges, taking into account factors like monster affinities and abilities. As you progress through the single-player campaign and engage in cooperative gameplay, you’ll earn rewards and face increasingly difficult bosses.

In Guild of Guardians, strategy is key. You’ll need to consider the different types of Guardians and their roles within your team. For example, Warriors deal physical damage but have lower HP and defense compared to Tanks, who focus on the enemy front rows with abilities like shields and taunts. By understanding these dynamics, you can craft a well-rounded team capable of tackling any challenge the game throws at you.

Setting Up Your Immutable Passport

To get the best out of Guild of Guardians, it’s necessary to set up your Immutable Passport. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the official Immutable website and select the sign-up option.
  2. Provide a valid email address and create a secure password.
  3. After entering your details, be sure to verify your account through the link sent to your email.
  4. Once verified, you can log in and customize your profile settings.

Security is paramount when managing your digital assets. Here are some steps you can take to safeguard your assets:

  1. Make it a habit to keep your account information current.
  2. Review your security settings regularly.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security to your account.

By keeping your account updated and secure, you can trade and manage your assets with confidence.

Connecting your wallet to your Immutable Passport is the final step to start trading in-game assets. This not only secures your digital property but also allows you to participate in the game’s economy. Remember to stay updated with official updates, as they often include important security patches that protect your account from potential threats.

Building Your Guardian Collection

Building a varied and strong Guardian collection is a key to success in Guild of Guardians. With various types of Guardians, each boasting unique abilities and roles, strategic team composition becomes a key element of gameplay. Warriors, for example, are physical damage dealers with lower HP and defense, while Tanks have the highest base HP and defense, focusing on enemy front rows with abilities like shields and taunts.

Assassins and Rangers bring their own strengths to the battlefield.

  • Assassins specialize in dealing physical melee damage to back-row enemies, often using teleportation for devastating strikes.
  • Rangers, on the other hand, deliver high damage from a distance but require strong front-line protection due to their low HP and defense.
  • Mages add versatility, dealing magic damage and offering area attacks or healing capabilities.
  • Support Guardians are essential for boosting team performance through healing and providing buffs or debuffs.

Building a well-rounded team involves strategically combining different Guardian types to cover weaknesses and enhance overall performance. By understanding each Guardian’s role and abilities, you can create a team that excels in various combat scenarios, ensuring you’re prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead.

Exploring Dungeon Gameplay

Playing through dungeons in Guild of Guardians is an exciting and challenging experience. As you venture into dungeons, you’ll face a series of enemies, including monsters, bosses, and elites, each presenting unique obstacles and requiring different strategies to overcome. The battles are automatic, allowing for idle gameplay, but strategic planning in squad composition and positioning remains crucial.

At the end of each successful dungeon battle, you’re rewarded with valuable resources, equipment, and currencies. These rewards are essential for progressing in the game and enhancing your Guardian team. Additionally, after each battle, you can choose from three runes, each offering different effects to further boost your team’s capabilities. This adds an extra layer of strategy to the gameplay, making every dungeon run a unique adventure.

Positioning and Strategy

Strategically positioning your Guardians on the battlefield can give you a significant advantage in combat. Melee Guardians, such as Warriors and Tanks, should be positioned in the front row to maximize their close combat effectiveness and protect the more vulnerable back-row Guardians. This ensures that your frontline can absorb damage and maintain pressure on the enemy.

Rangers and Mages, who excel at dealing damage from a distance, should be placed in the back row. This positioning allows them to unleash their powerful attacks and support skills without being immediately targeted by enemies. By carefully considering the roles and strengths of each Guardian, you can create a balanced formation that maximizes your team’s overall effectiveness in battles.

Utilizing Ultimate Skills

Becoming proficient at using ultimate skills can drastically alter the game in Guild of Guardians. Understanding when to activate these powerful abilities can significantly impact the outcome of battles. For instance, Warriors often have ultimates that deal substantial damage or enhance their durability, making them key players in your frontline strategy. Timing their ultimate skills to disrupt enemy formations or absorb critical damage can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Assassins and Rangers also benefit greatly from well-timed ultimate skills. Assassins can teleport to the enemy’s back row and deal devastating damage, making them perfect for targeting high-priority threats. Rangers can use their ultimates to hit multiple enemies at once, increasing their overall damage output and helping to clear waves of enemies quickly. Mages and Support Guardians provide versatility with their ultimate skills, offering area-of-effect damage, healing, debuffing enemies, or buffing allies.

Knowing your Guardians’ unique abilities and crafting strategies around their ultimates can give you a significant edge in battles. By maximizing the potential of these powerful skills, you can conquer even the toughest challenges the game throws at you.

Summoning Legendary Guardians

The act of summoning Legendary Guardians introduces an additional level of thrill and tactical depth to Guild of Guardians. With the addition of new guardians, systems like Enlightenment and Radiance enhance a Guardian’s power beyond typical RPG mechanics, making these processes essential for creating a formidable team. Legendary Guardians start with 5 Diamonds and can reach a maximum guardians level of 15 Diamonds, requiring duplicate Guardians to advance.

Radiance, exclusive to NFT Guardians known as Radiant Guardians, is achieved through Ascension using Ascension Seals. The cost of these seals increases over time, influenced by the number of Radiant Guardians ascended worldwide, making strategic planning crucial. Increasing Radiance can be done through various methods, including using duplicate Radiant Guardians, topping up Radiant Souls, or focusing on Enlightenment first.

Understanding these systems and effectively utilizing your resources can help you summon and enhance Legendary Guardians, giving you a significant advantage in battles and allowing you to showcase your powerful Guardians within the game’s guardians ecosystem.

Joining a Guild

Being part of a guild in Guild of Guardians provides many advantages that can enrich your gaming experience. Guilds allow multiple players to:

  • Collaborate in co-op raids to defeat bosses and earn loot
  • Share strategies, tactics, and builds
  • Form camaraderie and friendships for moral support
  • Make navigating difficult game content more enjoyable

Participating in guild-exclusive activities like raids and tournaments can yield unique rewards not obtainable elsewhere. These activities require collaboration among guild members, fostering a supportive community that enhances the overall gaming experience. By joining a guild, you can gain access to exclusive gameplay opportunities and build lasting relationships with fellow players.

Crafting and Trading Items

The process of crafting and trading items in Guild of Guardians is vital for shaping your strategy and engaging in the game’s economy. The crafting system allows players to:

  • Combine items and create powerful gear that suits their specific needs
  • Progress through the game and unlock various equipment tiers
  • Find hundreds of weapons and armor pieces to enhance your Guardians

Trading in-game assets, represented by NFTs, with other players adds another layer of depth to the game. This system not only allows you to:

  • Acquire valuable resources and gear
  • Enhance your position within the game’s world
  • Optimize your team’s performance
  • Stay competitive in the ever-evolving ecosystem of Guild of Guardians.

Enhancing Combat with Runes

Runes serve an important function in boosting your team’s performance in dungeon challenges. These powerful combat buffs can be equipped to your Guardians before entering battle, providing significant boosts to their abilities. For example, the Bolster rune grants a squad-wide attack speed boost during the initial 10 seconds of combat, allowing your team to deal more damage rapidly.

Higher rarity runes offer even more impressive benefits, such as:

  • Life drain bonuses that add a self-healing component to your Guardian’s attacks
  • Increased damage output
  • Enhanced defense
  • Improved critical hit chance
  • Elemental damage bonuses

Choosing the right rune and activating it at the right moment can massively improve your gameplay, making wise selection and strategic use of runes essential for successful dungeon completion.

Pets and Their Benefits

In Guild of Guardians, pets offer a range of in-game benefits that can greatly enhance your gaming experience. There are three types of pets:

  1. Workers: They generate crafting resources passively.
  2. Scouts: They increase the chance of item drops in dungeons.
  3. Hunters: They enhance the rewards obtained from dungeon completions.

Pets come in four rarity tiers:

  • Common
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Legendary

Higher rarity pets provide more substantial benefits. Binding pets to your team can increase crafting resources and improve item drop chances, making them valuable additions to your Guardian collection. Acquiring pets through presales or from other players can provide you with unique boosts to dungeon rewards and overall gameplay.

Managing In-Game Assets

In Guild of Guardians, effectively managing in-game assets is crucial for guaranteeing the safety and authenticity of your digital properties. The game utilizes non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to represent in-game assets, such as Guardians and Treasures, which can be traded, sold, and showcased within the game’s ecosystem. This ensures authenticity and reduces counterfeiting, providing a unique digital ownership certificate for each asset.

Blockchain-based marketplaces offer several advantages for in-game asset storage, including:

  • Enhanced security through decentralized systems, reducing the risk of hacking and server failures
  • Reduced transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries
  • Support for interoperability among different game developers

These benefits make blockchain-based marketplaces a valuable option for game developers and players alike.

By managing your in-game assets effectively, you can trade and showcase your valuable resources with confidence.

Using Eri’s Store and Altar of Sacrifice

The features Eri’s Store, an in game store, and the Altar of Sacrifice offer players distinct opportunities to enrich their gaming experience. In Eri’s Store, players can purchase Ascension Seals using various currencies, including $GOG tokens, ETH, and USDC, to mint NFTs and satisfy core gameplay promises. Ensuring your wallet is connected and regularly checking the store for available items can help you maximize the value of your purchases.

Players can use the Altar of Sacrifice to gain valuable resources and unlock powerful abilities for their remaining team by sacrificing duplicate or unwanted Guardians. This feature enables players to streamline and strengthen their team composition. Faction Souls, required for Enlightenment, can be obtained by sacrificing Guardians of the same faction, such as Imperials, Keepers, and Redeemers. Utilizing these features strategically can enhance your team’s capabilities and overall gameplay experience.

Staying Updated with Game News

Keeping up with game news is important to fully enjoy your Guild of Guardians experience. Following the official website and X account ensures you receive timely information about game updates, new features, and community events. The Guild of Guardians News and Guides YouTube channel is another great resource, providing updates on the game’s ecosystem and in-depth guides.

Official channels often announce special events and exclusive rewards, giving you the chance to participate in unique experiences and gain a competitive edge. By staying informed about any bugs or issues the developers are addressing, you can avoid potential in-game problems and stay ahead of other players.

Setting Goals and Budget

It’s important to set goals and budget for in-game purchases in order to maintain a balanced relationship between expenditure and progression. Allocating a specific monthly budget can prevent overspending and help you prioritize essential purchases over cosmetic items. This approach ensures you get the most value from your investments and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Creating short-term and long-term goals provides a clear path and purpose for your in-game spending. Regularly reviewing your spending habits can help you stay within your budget and adjust your strategies as needed. By planning ahead and making informed decisions, you can enjoy a more sustainable and enjoyable gaming experience.


Guild of Guardians offers a unique blend of fantasy RPG and blockchain technology, providing players with an immersive and strategic gaming experience. From understanding the basics of gameplay and building a diverse Guardian collection to mastering ultimate skills and joining a supportive guild, this guide has covered all the essential aspects to help you succeed.

By staying updated with game news, managing your in-game assets wisely, and setting clear goals and budgets, you can maximize your enjoyment and progress in Guild of Guardians. Embrace the adventure, strategize effectively, and lead your team of powerful Guardians to victory!

Yes, there are various heroes with unique abilities, characteristics, and rarity levels. The rarity of a hero determines its power and value within the game. Players can collect and upgrade heroes to build their ideal team for dungeon exploration and battles.

Yes, Guild of Guardians offers a free-to-play experience, allowing players to enjoy the game without any upfront costs. However, to fully participate in the Play-to-Earn economy and maximize their earnings, players may choose to invest in rare NFTs, items, or other in-game assets.

Upon its official release, you can download Guild of Guardians from your device’s app store (iOS or Android). Before playing, you’ll need to create an account and set up a compatible crypto wallet to manage your in-game assets.

Guilds are player-created groups that facilitate cooperation, resource sharing, and strategic gameplay. Players can create or join guilds to access exclusive content, participate in guild-specific events, and engage in social interaction with fellow members.

To set up your Immutable Passport account, visit the official website, sign up with a valid email, verify your account, and customize your profile settings. Don’t forget to enable two-factor authentication for extra security.

The in-game marketplace enables players to buy, sell, and trade NFT-based assets such as heroes, pets, items, and equipment. This marketplace plays a crucial role in the game’s Play-to-Earn economy, allowing players to monetize their in-game assets.

Players can earn valuable in-game assets, such as NFT-based heroes, pets, and items, by playing the game and participating in various activities. These assets can be traded or sold on the in-game marketplace or external platforms for real-world currency.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets stored on a blockchain. In Guild of Guardians, NFTs represent heroes, pets, items, and equipment, allowing players to have true digital ownership and trade or sell these assets.

Guild of Guardians is a multiplayer online role-playing game (RPG) for mobile devices, leveraging blockchain technology to enable digital ownership of in-game assets and facilitating a Play-to-Earn economy.

GOG tokens are used to enable decentralized governance within the game’s ecosystem. Token holders can influence the future development and direction of the game by voting on proposals and participating in governance activities.

The official release date for Guild of Guardians has not been announced yet. The development team is actively working on the game, and updates can be found on their website or social media channels. To stay informed about the game’s progress and any upcoming announcements, follow Guild of Guardians on their social media platforms and join their community channels.


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