Curating the Future of Digital Art: In Conversation with CASTmyNFT

CASTmyNFT is a platform that creates an immersive, interactive space for NFT collectors and artists to showcase their digital art pieces. Launched in 2023, it also offers services that assist creators in minting and managing their NFTs, positioning itself as a key facilitator in the migration from traditional to digital art.

In this insightful interview, we spoke to its co-founder, Samuel, about the origins, vision, and achievements of CASTmyNFT. We learn about the motivation behind its inception, the challenges faced in its creation, and the significance of the 3D gallery experience it offers. The discussion further explores the future of the NFT industry, the transformative impact of NFTs on the traditional art market, and the aspirations for CASTmyNFT. 


Can you tell us a little bit about your background and why you started CASTmyNFT?

You bet. I’ve always had a strong interest in both art and technology. And when NFTs came along, it was the best of both worlds. Then one day, my business partner posed a simple question to me, which was – “Where do you showcase your NFTs?”

It was in that moment I realized that in today’s art world, we have galleries to showcase physical art. But there was nothing available to showcase digital art like NFTs

Another way to think about NFTs is like a Ferrari owner. They don’t buy a Ferrari and hide it away in an underground parking garage to collect dust. Instead, they happily drive it around and show it off to others. 

When we initiated back in 2020, we wanted to create a digital space online where proud NFT collectors, creators and art lovers could not only showcase what they owned to the entire world but do so in a fun, engaging and highly immersive way. 

What are you most excited about with CASTmyNFT?

What I’m most excited about is the opportunity to share the CASTmyNFT platform to those who can use and enjoy it the most. We get users all the time who say to us, “Where have you guys been hiding?”. This is further proof that we’re fulfilling a huge demand and need in the ever-evolving NFT industry. 

And one other thing that really excites me is the limitless potential that CASTmyNFT will offer  NFT collectors, creators and art enthusiasts moving forward. We’re going to be releasing even more immersive gallery templates and designs, more advanced customization tools, and many other exclusive features like the In-Gallery meeting room or the CASTmyNFT Membership Club.

What are some of the biggest challenges you faced while building CASTmyNFT?

This is a great question. I’d say the biggest challenge we faced early on was overcoming the creative and organizational challenges necessary to bring our vision to life. From day one, we set out strict criteria to build a robust platform that would not only be highly intuitive and beautiful, but also user-friendly for both creators and online visitors. 

While the journey has been a long one and demanded a lot of time and resources along the way, we’ve loved every minute developing CASTmyNFT. And we couldn’t be more thrilled to release the first stable generation of our revolutionary platform to everyone. 

We’re extremely proud of our brilliant team that continues to push the boundaries of creation and cutting-edge innovation within the growing NFT space. 

How important is the immersive 3D gallery experience for collections and collectors?

It’s extremely important. Creating a captivating and fully immersive 3D gallery experience is what is all about. By showcasing NFTs of all kinds – from digital art to music to film, and just about everything else in between – not only brings more value and attention to the wonderful world of NFTs, but also helps boost engagement and social interactions between creators, collectors, and art lovers alike.

Can you tell us more about CASTmyNFT’s NFT creation and management service?

Of course. When we began picking the minds of real-world artists, we were shocked that many of them hadn’t heard about NFTs or even the digital art market. And for those artists who had heard about NFTs, many of them didn’t fully understand what they were, how they worked,  and the steps involved in creating them. 

These valuable insights helped us shape and mould CASTmyNFT’s NFT creation and management services. We knew we wanted to take the current ‘brick-and-mortar’ gallery model and apply it to the digital world to benefit artists of all kinds in an easy way.

And most importantly, we wanted to give artists the ability to deploy their own NFT contracts, mint NFTs, set up marketplace accounts and 3D galleries, and also receive the ongoing support they’d need to draw more attention to their work and make more sales. 

To put it more simply…

We wanted to create a simple “going digital” service for real-world artists that would make the transition to NFTs smooth and seamless, but also in a way that wouldn’t interfere with their own habits or comfort levels. 

What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about starting their own NFT project?

Three words – GO FOR IT! Seriously, there’s never going to be a better time in history to start an NFT project. Right now is like the ‘wild west’ days of the Internet for NFTs. It’s that big and that early.

It doesn’t matter why someone wants to launch their own NFT collection. It could be to share their art, be used as a specific type of utility, or generate greater brand recognition. That’s what makes NFTs so great – the flexibility. 

And if someone wants to target NFT or digital art enthusiasts on a larger scale, they should highly consider our CASTmyNFT In-Gallery advertising packages. These ads will not only be strategically embedded within the surrounding frames of the current NFTs on display, but they’ll keep visitors continually engaged with the ads as they walk through the 3D galleries. 

What do you think the future holds for the NFT industry?

Nothing but huge opportunities. As I said before, we’re in the early stages of NFT adoption on a global scale, just like the initial ‘wild west’ days of the Internet. NFTs have yet to spread to the masses, but that spread is starting to change from a tiny flicker to a raging wildfire.

Let me put it another way…

NFTs right now are comparable to the launch of the first mobile phone or the introduction of the plane or automobile. All are innovative and forever world-changing. Innovations like NFTs are here to stay, and we believe will be at the very forefront of the revolution. 

What are your thoughts on the recent surge in popularity for NFTs?

It’s fun to watch as NFTs grow in popularity. The early so-called “hype” in NFTs, and even crypto currencies, that started back in 2020 turned many flippers into multi-millionaires. And  this occurred while only a tiny fraction of the global population even knew what NFTs were.  Now just imagine how impactful NFTs will be when the entire world sees the true value, joy, and utility that they have to offer. It’s going to be massive. 

CASTmyNFT is doing its part by bringing global awareness to everyone from current NFT creators and collectors, as well as those who are now just discovering NFTs. I couldn’t be more thrilled or excited to watch as the popularity of NFTs shifts from mere “hype” to everyday use just like the Smartphone or the Internet. 

Do you think NFTs have the potential to disrupt the traditional art market?

I think they already are to a certain extent. But this isn’t to say that both the traditional and digital art markets won’t coexist in the future. They will. I believe they’ll not only coexist together, but they’ll find their place next to each other to further fuel the popularity of both physical and digital art.

It’s important to note that collecting digital art won’t eliminate the pleasure of looking at a  traditional painting hanging on the wall of your home or in a popular art museum. That will never change. The good news is there will always be artists and creators in the digital and physical art markets – and CASTmyNFT will continue to happily support both.

What are some of the ways that NFTs can be used to improve the world?

Let me give you a quick example…

There’s an NFT collection called River Horses. It’s been successful in funding a multi-million dollar hydrogen production facility. The ownership of a River Horses NFT represents the involvement in supporting a greener future. The River Horses NFT collection is now available for anyone to join and buy; the collected funds are being used to support hard-to-finance green energy projects involved with improving carbon offsets and promoting a healthier planet for a brighter future. 

This is just one of many unique examples of how NFTs can be used to improve the world. 

What are your long-term goals and ambitions for CASTmyNFT?

We’re aiming big for CASTmyNFT. We’d like to eventually become known as the online version of the Louvre or Museum of Modern Art when it comes to digital art and NFTs. We believe when you combine the consistent rise and popularity of NFTs along with our unique marketing approach, the free immersive 3D galleries, a growing community, and more – we’ll get there. It’s not a matter of if – it’s a matter of when. 

Where can people find out more information or join CASTmyNFT?

Thank you for asking! We’d love for people to come to join us, no matter if they’re currently NFT creators, collectors, enthusiasts – or if they’re someone who simply wants to dive into the wonderful world of NFTs for the first time. All are welcome. Even for investors, we have great opportunities available.

They can find out more information or sign up online at, or they can follow us on Twitter.


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