Venice Virtual Carnival: how the historic Venetian celebration enters the Metaverse through the partnership with Ready Player Me

Everyone knows the Venice Carnival, one of the most famous carnivals around the world with a centuries-long tradition. The magic of the Venice Carnival brings a magical atmosphere to the city of Venice, where people traditionally dressed up fill the city streets celebrating freedom of expression and creativity.

For the first time this meaningful event can be experienced even through digital identities: avatars. Thanks to the Venice Virtual Carnival initiative, the historic event makes its first step in the Metaverse, reaching a wider audience and making it accessible to people who may not be able to physically attend the event.

The globally known platform Ready Player Me partnered for the project, making it possible to dress up avatars with the iconic costumes of the Venetian tradition, such as Colombina and Arlecchino.

The limited edition 3D crafted masks and costumes are available in classic versions, with the traditional colours, or in premium gold version.

Users can move their avatars in any compatible metaverse with Ready Player Me, bringing the magic of the Venice Carnival everywhere.

A dedicated virtual space in the Spatial metaverse will allow anybody to discover the stories and traditions behind the showcased costumes  and how to get the perfect mask for their avatar:

Users can buy the Ready Player Me wearables directly at the following address:

Now people from all over the world can experience the magic of Venice preserving its cultural heritage for future generations.


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