Metaverse Academy – Are Educational Institutions Ready to Move to the Metaverse?

Meta is ready to launch Metaverse Academy in collaboration with a French company, Simplon. Metaverse Academy is set to begin in the next Academic Year. It will train the first 100 students for free. Following this, each city with Metaverse Academy will have a vacancy of around 20 students per year. This is to keep future requirements and a Metaverse expansion in mind to create a new professional sector. The objective of Metaverse Academy is to create around 10,000 specialists within the next five years.

The Centre Of The Metaverse

We are well aware of Facebook’s blatant attempt to become the central organisation associated with the Metaverse. Metaverse, the term, has been around for quite some time. However, Facebook announced its name change in October 2021 to Meta. This led to the spread of the Metaverse term throughout the world.

Today, many people directly associate Metaverse with a digital universe built by Meta, aka Facebook – it is not.

So, for Facebook to launch Metaverse Academy could be an attempt to redefine the Metaverse and own the term for themselves. But, without looking at it negatively, it has the potential to be something marvellous.

What Is Metaverse Academy?

Don’t let the name misguide you. It is not an academy, or any kind of institute, located in the Metaverse in any way. Metaverse Academy is a physical, real-world hub, an institution that will focus on the curriculum revolving around the Metaverse. More specifically, the education will revolve around:

Virtual Universe

Creating, expanding, and maintaining virtual universes for VR/AR and 3D experience would be an integral part of the Metaverse Academy’s education. This is to prepare specialists ready to shape the Web 3.0 universe.

Immersive Technologies

Correlatively, taking VR/AR, Mutalk Microphone, and many other similar innovations, the education will also focus on enhancing immersive technology. This could prove groundbreaking in figuring out new ways to make the Metaverse more immersive to the masses.

Support And Assistance

Support and Assistance are the backbones of any project. Apart from preparing specialists in Virtual Universe, or Immersive technology, Metaverse Academy will also focus on preparing holistic support staff and experts. These individuals will be well-versed in offering top-notch support or assistance in development, innovation, maintenance, and more.

Does It Mean There Won’t Be Institutes In Metaverse?

Not necessarily. An Indian team is developing Invact Metaversity, 21K School. The objective of the platform is to help in building Metaverse institutes. The developers have already released a successive test series to teach the students. While the graphics and visuals require notable tweaks, the company is working on some right platforms.

Stirring New Ideas – Metaverse University

Even if Metaverse University could be a misleading name, it could get various educational institutes into thinking about education in the Metaverse. After all, the Metaverse doesn’t have to be just about digital interactions, immersive experiences, and games. While the play2earn initiatives are common, we could even see Study2Earn. That would be a remarkable approach.

Either way, with the innovation of Metaverse Academy, and the Invact Metaversity, we could see the dawn of a new chain of Metaverse institutes and education platforms.

A Web 2 E-Learning Foundation

There’s no doubt that the Pandemic has helped online learning, or E-learning, receive much-needed recognition. This has pushed online learning to a new frontier. Studying from home and online classes are becoming the norm. And while the world could still explore that idea, Metaverse could easily be the next step in the innovation.

DeSoc SBTs – Education Could Be Closer

A final point to note is the news about the new Soulbound Tokens. People have already started to link these Tokens to showcase and prove their educational qualifications. These tokens could work like badges of achievements, among other things.

A Decentralised Society (DeSoc) is also under discussion as something that could develop. Similarly, there could also be Decentralised Education in the near future. This could be another idea in the Web 3.0 interface that we could see rising.

Education Could Be In Metaverse Down The Line

As Meta and Simplon are working on preparing new experts and specialists in the Metaverse, we could see the rise of the educational institutes in the Metaverse within the next five years. For now, we are barely looking at companies moving to the Metaverse.

Some examples are MG Motors with their MGverse. Then we have Airtel (A cellular company) working on a Metaverse Multiplex. Similarly, Yuga Labs is entering with their Otherside project and more. Warner Bros, The Matrix NFT, we are barely scraping the surface of the potential.


  • Romina

    NFT aficionado, dissecting the evolving tapestry of blockchain assets with a fine lens on real-world implications.

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